Thursday 16 May 2013

thursday entry...

menyambung entry...kami ni lebih kpd our own record of what we have around the house... nk buat physical album, mcm takde budget lah pulak nk cuci is the easiest & cheapest way to keep record.... so here goes another bunch....

mokara (at least, I think that's the name) purple bintik....comei bila berbunga....masa dia bunga hari tu, hari2 pergi n balik kerja jenguk dia....lama juga bertahan..more than 2 weeks....

Yg ni orkid air, ambil kat tali air dlm taman.... our taman berjiran dgn sawah, so ada tali air dkt dgn rumah...nampak pokok ni sepanjang masa berbunga putih di pagi hari...cantik bersih kami ambil je anak, semai dlm pasu besar.... now dah 3 rumpun....asik berbunga....comei....

merpati putih ni ambil ditepi jalan dekat traffic light Taiping, kat pokok majlis bandaran tanam tepi2 jalan tu...we simply stopped our car, n amek kat pokok tu...orang lalu lalang mesti ingat kami gi giler ke apa...hehee...gila bunga orkid je....

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